Archaeology Lab
Hurt & Proffitt’s Conservation Laboratory operated in partnership with the University of Lynchburg and is located at Historic Sandusky in Lynchburg, Virginia. Our lab offers state-of-the-art metal conservation of your museum and archaeological artifacts at an economical price. The lab currently accepts small to medium-sized iron, copper and copper alloy, e.g., brass, single-component artifacts. Please contact Jess Ganzert, Laboratory Director, at for more details.

De-ionized water system providing water at 2-3 ppm dissolved solids.
Various Equipment for hand cleaning artifacts including two optical stereo microscopes and a computer imaging microscope
A large scale air-abrader for artifacts up to 24 inches and a micro-air-brader for smaller, more delicate artifacts.
For corrosion and chloride removal, our equipment includes 2 small (9x12 inch) and 3 medium (16x28 inch) sized electrolysis tanks, and immediate capability for 2 large tanks (20x48 inches).
Chemicals and supplies for cleaning metals and for corrosion and chloride removal, corrosion pacification, and treatments and coating for long-term stability in archival storage or museum display conditions.
The lab maintains professional quality photographic equipment for table-top, macro-, and micro-images for both recordation and display purposes.
We have climate controlled storage for all collections being worked on in the lab.
We maintain current software for digital records, data management, analysis and display.