The Digital History of Adeline Hutter
Over the course of this semester, I have been interning at Sandusky in conjunction with a Westover Honors Course at Lynchburg College. ...

Learning From The Past
My name is Timothy Elliott and I am one of the Historical Interpreters at The Historic Sandusky Museum. My job includes many things, such...

Making Our Way Past Gift Shop Puberty: My Historic Sandusky Internship
The best part of working for a historic house is the personality. Not just the house itself, but the relationships people form with the...

Collecting History
My name is Kelly Childress and I am a historical interpreter with a Master of Arts in History and a minor in museum studies from...

Civil War Trust's Teacher Institute Pt. 2
Days 3 & 4 (July 16 & 17) The first two days of the institute were packed with resources and information for the educator. However, the...