“I must perish like a Roman, Die the great Triumvir still”
By Taylor Akers '24 Prepared for Historic House Museums course 305, Museum Studies department. James Risque Hutter (October 22, 1841 -...

History of Sandusky. Part 5: The Adkinsons
After more than 100 years, Sandusky was sold out of the Hutter family, in 1952. At this point Sandusky had been owned by Janie C. Hutter,...

History of Sandusky. Part 4: The Enslaved Families
It must not be forgotten that part of Sandusky’s history, until 1865, were the enslaved families that lived and worked there. Their...

Hand's-On-History Camp 2017
Historic Sandusky’s first annual Hands-on History Camp was a hit among this year’s campers. In response to the question “what did you...

Learning From The Past
My name is Timothy Elliott and I am one of the Historical Interpreters at The Historic Sandusky Museum. My job includes many things, such...