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Isaac Otey's personal possessions (Sandusky)

Isaac Otey was the second principal owner of Sandusky. His son

John purchased Sandusky in 1823 but did not live here. Isaac moved

to Sandusky in 1829 and took over ownership about then. He

seems to have suffered financial problems beginning in 1831 which

plagued him to his death in 1839. Below is a listing of his personal

possessions recorded in 1841, likely as an effort to settle some

of his debts. It is a fascinating look at what furnishings, tools, animals,

and enslaved persons were at Sandusky circa 1840.

Campbell County Deeds Will Book 9 pages 90-92.

In pursuance of the above order the under signed have proceeded

to discharge the duty therein required and submit the following report.

    “An inventory and appraisement of the personal property of

Isaac Otey decd [1] taken this day of [blank] December 1841.

Jesse (a negro man) [married to Sevina][2]     $500.

Jim [husband of Pat][3]                           100.

Abram [son of Jesse & Sevina]              150.

Daniel [son of Jesse & Sevina]                675.

Braxton [son of Jesse & Sevina]             475.

Dinah                                                          225.

Vina                                                            200.

Sally and 4 children [daughter of Jesse & Sevina]   900.

Theresa and 2 children [daughter of Jesse & Sevina]  700.

Seanna                                                               500.

Hannah (old woman)                                     valueless

Horses. 1 black $37. 1 Bay $37. 1 Grey $15       89.

1 horse wagon & gear                                         44.50.

1 ox wagon                                                          12.

2 yoke oxen                                                           75.

7 milk cows. 1 Bull. & 3 yearlings                        83.

1 wheat fan & serve                                                3.

1 scythe and cradle                                                1.50.

3 mowing blades                                                   1.50.

1 pr steelyards [4]                                                  1.75.

1 old Frame                                                            50.

2 Kitchen tables                                                      50.

2 wash tubs. pails & piggins[5]                         1.75.

6 Pewter Basins                                                    4.50.

3 kettles                                                                 5.00.

1 churn                                                                  1.50.

Pots  oven. Pot racks, hooks, etc.                     6.00.

One grindstone                                                   $50.

3 Coulters[6]_                                                        1.00.

2 Cultivators                                                           70.

2 Big ploughs                                                        3.00.

2 shovel do                                                             50.

1 Iron hook harrow                                                 2.00

Set of Chains                                                            4.00.

Set of swingle trees & Stretchers                        1.00.

4 axes                                                                      1.00.

3 Iron wedges                                                          75.

6 hoes. 3 mattocks                                                1.50.

1 Rake – 3 tong forks & 1 spade                             75.

Base of old Iron                                                      2.00

Lot of augers drawing knife etc                            2.50.

1 Cut and hand saw                                               1.50.

1 Old Bellows anvil. 2 per tongs etc                    3.00.

3 old waggon [sic] wheels                                    1.25.

1 Side Board                                                         15.00.

1 set of tables                                                      10.00.

1 walnut Table                                                       4.00.

½ dozen Windsor chairs                                      3.00.

10 Dishes                                                               3.00.

3 dozen plates                                                     2.00.

2 pitchers and 3 bowls                                        1.25.

1 Set of Tea China                                               75.

10 wine glasses. and 10 Tumblers                     1.00.

1 castor                                                                 5.00.

1 Silver Ladle                                                        6.00.

1 Doz Tea Spoons                                                4.00.

1 Doz Table Spoons                                            32.00.

6 waiters[7]                                                         75.

1 Base. Knives & forks                                        75.

1 Set of Bottles                                                    2.50.

4 Brass Candlesticks                                           1.00.

2 Doz towels                                                        3.00.

5 Cotton and 7 diaper Table Cloths                  7.12.

15 Windsor chairs                                               7.50.

1 Doz Windsor do [ditto]                                   9.60.

Secretary and Book case                                   12.00.

Books                                                               12.00.

2 Large Mirrors (plated)                                    15.00.

4 Silver Candle sticks and snuffer tray           12.00.

1 Brussels Carpet and Rug[8]                           25.00.

1 pr Brass Andirons Shovel and Tongs              8.00.

2 Little Tables                                                    1.00.

1 Dressing Table and Glass                                 2.50.

1 Bed Stead and furniture                                  25.00.

1 Bed Stead and furniture                                  15.00.

1 Bed Stead and furniture                                 20.00.

1 Bed Stead and furniture                                15.00.

1 Small     “            “                                         10.00.

7 per pillow cases                                               1.50.

4 table covers                                                     1.25.

10 pr sheets                                                      12.00.

2 Cotton Counterpains[9]                                     3.00.

6 Counterpains                                                  30.00.

2 Table and glasses                                              4.00.

2 Candle Stands                                                   3.00.

4 Chamber Vessels                                               75.

1 Hackel[10] and Rat Trap                                     1.00.

1 wash stand                                                        25.

1 Trundle Bed and Stead                                     10.00.

1 Large                                                                20.00.

1 Small table                                                        50.

1 Bed and Stead                                                  15.00.

1 Small  do [do is an abbreviation for ditto]       8.00.

1 Rocking and 2 Split bottom chairs                   1.00.

1 Bed and stead                                                  15.00.

1 Trussel [trestle] Bed and Stead                        8.00.

1 glass and table                                                 75.

5 pr Andirons                                                        1.00.

2 shovels etc                                                        50.

Lot of Sundry jugs and pots. water vessels    3.50.

Lot of Old Irons                                                     75.

1 Brass Skillet                                                       2.50.

1 Bed and stead etc                                          10.00.

1 per Andirons                                                   50.

2 Chairs                                                                1.00.

1 writing stand                                                    25.

4 spinning and 2 flax wheels                              5.00.

1 Loom harness Spool Frame and warping bars 4.00.

8 pr cards                                                             1.50

1 Steel cap & worms[11]                                   20.00.

3 Demijons                                                            1.50.

3 Barrels                                                              75.

1 Case Bottles                                                      3.00.

19 Sheep at 12 (sold)                                      38.00.

1 cow & calf (sold)                                           25.00.

All of which is respectfully submitted by                  C. H. Morman.

                                                                                                                                                     Jo. B. Crowlin

                                                                                                                                                      Jesse A. Burton

At a court held for Campbell County January 10th 1842. The foregoing inventory

and appraisement of the estate of Isaac Otey dec. [deceased] was this day

presented in court and ordered to be recorded.

                                                                          Teste. Wm. A. Clement Cesc


                                      Transcribed by Taylor Akers ‘24

[1] Deceased

[2] Sevina and 3 of her other children are not mentioned. Potentially sold or deceased.

[3] Wife not included in will; potentially deceased or belongs to someone else.

[4] Steelyard is a portable balance and weight used for weighing objects.

[5] Piggin small wooden pail with one stave extended upward as a handle.

[6] A vertically mounted component of a plough.

[7] A type of serving table

[8] Brussels carpet, popular beginning in the early 1800s, was an industrially produced,

looped-pile carpet. Named after Brussels, Belgium where it is thought to have originated.

[9] Counterpain is a bedspread, cover, quilt, duvet

[10] Also spelled Hackle or Hetchel it is a metal comb used to refine wool or linen

[11] These are components of a still for making alcohol aka moonshine



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Historic Sandusky 

757 Sandusky Drive

Lynchburg Virginia, 24502

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Historic Sandusky is owned and operated by

the University of Lynchburg.

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Website Created by Diana Harvey

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